Saint Michael Church

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Google Calendar


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Saint Michael Church

To contact the Church office please call 703-256-7822



Our PTO will a meeting on November 2nd at 7pm in the cafeteria.

Contact the PTO at

Help is needed from everyone to run our fundraisers, please volunteer to help!


Quarter 1 Interims

Please check your child’s folder for 1st Quarter Interims.
This is for 1st – 8th grade

Advanced Band Practice

Thursday September 21st – After School Advanced Band practice begins.

Please pick your child up at 4pm.

Mixed Bags Design Fundraiser

Be sure to order some items at Mixed Bags!
This is the first fundraiser for our school.

Orders are due to the office by September 19th.

or order on line at:


Back to School Nights

September 5th at 7pm – please meet in the All Purpose Room

September 6th at 7pm – please meet in the Cafeteria

Back to school Mass

Please join us on August 27th at the noon Mass as we begin the 2017 school year.

There will be a reception in the school cafeteria following Mass.